
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

USA People Search information site map

This information resources page gives you all the detailed info about Detective products for various countries and especially for the United States.

People Search United States of America

Of course the latest PLUS edition has more databases you will need for your person searches. e.g. Lookup social security death index and specific offenders register by zip code. Get block name and address.

Start now and enjoy your newfound freedom!


More on People Search by SSN

You need to find someone. Investigators have learned that

People Search using Social Security Number or Search by SSN is the easiest and most practical way, often used by P.I.s in the field and Law Enforcement officers such as FBI -Without A Trace - seen on TV.

Other approaches for name, address and telephone information lookup are likely to require database access so it's usually best to start with the Administration at www.ssa.gov and this service site:

Find person by social security number

Usually, Net Detective is the lookup product of choice for the professional searcher!


Social Security Number Search USA

A great way to find a person's last known address in any State of the USA is:

Social Security number search records USA

as everyone's record at the Department of SocialSecurity includes a last known address.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Peoplesearch Resources Sites: USA

Top resources site for location of lost and missing persons, is provided here with in-house databases of well over 212 million Americans: (Florida USA based):


This service was started in 1996 in Florida and is now used by hundreds of Law Enforcement agents right across America. It is fully endorsed by the National Association of Independent Private Investigators -N.A.I.P.I.

There are two levels of involvement: 1. Basic subscription for $29 (includes a free credit report and 2 bonus software downloads ; 2. Net Detective PLUS for 29.95 monthly - the serious professional P.I. option which has expanded reach into databases including the Social Security Death Index and sexual offenders [zip code ref].


Find a person by street address lookup. Also by email, phone, incl unlisted telephone numbers!

Services Editor

Finding lost people

For all Americans finding lost people and searching for old school class-mates and military buddies, missing family members. Using these online systems you can access Court Records, births and deaths, marriage, divorce and adoption and look-up your SSN record or even request access to read your own FBI file!

Site now includes a generous Free Software area so you need to visit both the index page: Find Person, and scroll down to the large red button.. for Software..

And the location lookup services areas: Finding lost people where your searching can easily begin!


Friday, December 10, 2004

Find a missing person, Fast!

In the year 2000 I made a site designed for people search in the United States, as an avid affiliate of Harris Digital's Net Detective product which incidentally went on to get 750,000 users and to run a US Citizen database of over 211,500,000 from their Deland, Florida headquarters. HDP have since increased this database markedly and added more categories -including criminal s^x offenders.
The site is graphically excellent and if you'd like to see.. here it is!

People Search in USA find missing person

Then for Australia we developed a compilation of quite hard-to-find Internet investigative resources. There are many 'pretenders' in this marketplace, including very small private investigators and hopefuls trying to push Web Detective, an American product, on to the Australian population. The refund rate speaks volumes whenever you need to assess the performance and acceptance of an investigative product.

Basically -simply, you need to be in the country, know the laws, live with the electoral process, the electronic media, read the local newspapers and watch TV. That is, participate in the day-to-day life of a country -Australia, before you can develop a product such as Social Investigation...
heck, you can't even do a Background check legally in Australia unless you're a financial institution? (maybe) or a law enforcement agency! Privacy Laws are really strict in Australia and New Zealand.

Anyway, here's the Aussie Investigator product lead-in...

People Search in Australia

The Person Finder site map focuses on the USA searching needs and is here:-

USA people search Site Map

There are searches by State available as well as adoption lookup and many more public records in the USA catered for, though always remember you'll find State and County differences. Court records and court orders are across 50 States.


Australia opens Aussie Investigator!

After the American people search system, Net Detective, we now see an Australian market entry with Aussie Investigator - also with Government public records information resource sites and a way to check the names, addresses and phone numbers of residents... without upsetting the tough Australian Privacy Laws!
If you'd like to visit this Aussie site please click on Aussie Investigator for people search Australia Internet Resources compilation.

Enjoy this, Sydney NSW and Melbourne, VIC.
Geoff D.
Perth W.A.

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