Sunday, May 18, 2008
If you're getting hassled out by prank callers, or you're being - worse still - harassed by telemarketers or a bad predator, with evil intentions, then try this name and address search by reverse cell phone number lookup because it's the best service online today for the United States!
I believe it's operated by They purchase bulk database access from a huge range of person information services for the USA. There are also valuable international searches in many countries across the globe, too.
Investigative Editor
Labels: address search, find name and address, net detective, new york people search, people search, reverse cell phone lookup, reverse lookup, reverse phone, reverse search
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
If you need to get info on a Texan, then look up a government department database online using the latest massive searching system available to you! Now this site might appear to be a little rudimentary but looks can be deceiving. It's packed with options such as Dallas social security administration and similar for Houston, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio, etc. - where you can uncover Fed. Dept. records as well as State Govt. records on things such as Dallas DMV driving records, for instance.
In the City of Fort Worth you can access public court records and many more types of public records available under F.O.I.A. provisions. In the larger industrial dormitory of Houston, find a houston dmv record and the location of the Houston office of vital records which is now available to you online.
The city of San Antonio offers searchable databases for san antonio criminal record lookup and many more types of file and record search.
Meanwhile, The City of Austin TX has databases for austin dmv record dui, dwi and all the other bankruptcies,
liens, property records, circuit court and criminal data, etc.
Finally, the biggest single area of investigative demand on The Internet is for Texas people search where missing persons are sometimes located and where you can search for lost friends, missing family members and even try to locate old military buddies using army, navy, marines or USAF air force information databases about military service records.
I almost forgot Texan birth and death records. These are part of Social Security Admin's births and deaths SSDI etc. You'll need the Soc Sec Dept. at
OK that's the lie of the land for the oil rich state of Texas, where the cowboys catch the cowgirls. State government records can help you a lot there..
Investigative Editor
Labels: birth records, court records, deaths, government, government records, people search, public records, social+security, texas criminal records, texas state, tx dmv
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Hey.. it's fascinating just what you can dig up on The 'Net. I just found interesting information about undercover operations carried out by the New York City Police back in 2004, regarding a GOP conference. The writer hinted at 'spying' undercover, to protect the greatest city in The United States. Well.. I'm not complaining or criticizing buddies. Just stating what I've read.
I fully understand that after 2001 you have to be extremely vigilant. Evil forces are constantly at work, cowardly and bastardly. The site I'm (still) reading focuses more on NY state criminal records than on NYC records, per se. Areas like court and criminal records, marriages and divorce, tax liens, property, NY DMV and the full gambit of complete background check work. OK, it's a bit broad spectrum but once you've joined StateRegistry or the world's your investigative oyster, my friend!
I visited Ground Zero last year with my daughter who works for an international airline and we made a point of chatting with local New York City policemen. The local court circuit was another place of interest for court records as we had some investigative work to do about a civil case. The judgement will be appearing soon. Anyway - loved NYC, the contrast of Central Park green trees with the stark high rise buildings of drab brown and gray hues. We rode the subway and felt uneasy. We walked The Brooklyn Bridge and climbed the Empire State Building. Felt ecstatic. Truly in awe of the greatest city in the world. No question.
Finally, we walked back to Raddison Martinique on Broadway, fast walking a large section of Manhattan Island. Up that road Jerry Seinfeld used to talk about: Lafayette Avenue: with traffic calming for a complete street division, the authorities say. OK. That's my memories of the apple's core. Finally, you, as an Internet based American investigator, can see the truth in - and the value of New York people search systems online that are based on state government records, the federal law of F.O.I.A. and public information, because these files give clues as to changes in address and location. The Internet. Sigh...
Investigative Editor:: GD.
Labels: court records, find a person, government records, new york people search, new york police, ny criminal records, ny dmv, ny state, people search, state records
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Ideas for tracing and tracking people behind prank, nuisance, 'heavy-breathing' calls
Private investigators know the answers already and have a strong arsenal of tools at their disposal for Reverse Cell Phone Lookup work, on a daily basis. It's really as simple as falling off a barstool for them. Their job is to basically gather evidence, in as short a time as possible, using effective tools.
In this case the P.I. tools are, of course, Internet based. To trace cellular phone numbers, you're in luck because I have insider access to a system, legally, where you bring up a web page that has a FORM with 3 boxes in it. The boxes have the format: 555 - 555 - 5555 representing a standard mobile phone number. Searches done there can return name, address, background information and maybe even more. Legal for USA only.
This is NOT only a USA mobile phone directory. It is an integrated database system that brings together many sources of 'people information' - exactly what the professionals use right across America! Even law enforcement like NYPD and LAPD, etc.
Information in these powerful databases can quickly assist you in locating a cell phone, because of the REVERSE nature of the search! Remember the old Crisscross Directories? Backwards-searching is something that's banned in Australia but in The United States, reverse number look up for cell phones and for landlines is allowed and is legal public information.
The federal provision of F.O.I.A. freedom of information helps keep America transparent as far as possible without breaching national security. Citizens, then, can search US Public Records freely online using web based applications. These are provided by private third party companies such as who also have database look up facilities for residential phone number listings, landline or 'fixed' line - - both listed and unlisted telephone numbers!
So the scope is very wide for telephone investigation work to easily locate that prank or nuisance caller. Get their name and address using our service and if you wish, report them to your county, state or federal police. Law enforcement can only be done by the proper authorites.
Investigative Editor

Labels: find a person, find an address, find name and address, investigate, law enforcement, reverse cell phone lookup, reverse lookup, reverse phone, unlisted telephone number